
Monday, December 26, 2016

New work: River Song 1 and 2

River Song 2
16" x 16" painted paper collage on paper

River Song 1
16" x 16" painted paper collage on paper

Several months ago I joined a hiking group. Last week I was on a hike with an acquaintance from that group. We were walking towards a river and talking about this and that. She mentioned to me that she had been caught in a summer storm in Arizona which resulted in a kind of flash flood at the campground in which she was staying. I pictured torrential rain, dark gray skies and water rushing through the gullies. Specifically, I thought of red and muddy water (sort of what I imagine the Colorado River to be like) and then I thought of calm, clear water. I knew right away because the visual was so strong that I had a good idea for a collage or two.

The semi-striated paper is a new thing for me. I took my putty knife and scraped the paper as soon as I painted it with that gray color. Some of the color was removed, leaving a kind of stripey effect. Seemed like the perfect thing for what I was thinking. Lately, I constantly have the weather and the landscape on my mind. It seems to be showing up in the artwork!

I hope everyone had a good holiday. Santa and Hanukkah Harry teamed up again and brought me several books and some other goodies. I just love those guys!

Thanks for reading and commenting,


  1. I noticed the striated color immediately. It really makes these dimensional and almost narrative. Nice works!

    1. Thanks Carol! I was a little hesitant to use those pieces, thinking that maybe they wouldn't fit. I agree that they provide an added dimension. They remind me of rain or smoke or something like that so maybe a narrative component as you suggest too is present.

      Thank you as always for your observations. I appreciate it!

  2. I like both of these and I enjoyed reading what inspired them.
    Like Carol Beth, I noticed the striated pieces right off and enjoyed the organic feeling they added -especially with the inspiration story.

    Wishing you a terrific New Year in 2017, Libby, and I look forward to following your
    always interesting and inspiring art journey.

    1. Julie,

      Thanks! As I mentioned in Carol's reply, I wasn't sure if those pieces would work since they have a kind of pattern to them. Using them against the solids to show a kind of idea of rain worked out jut right though. I'll have to see what else I can come up with in the way of texture that will make sense.

      Happy New Year to you also. Hope all well be well in the coming year.


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