
Sunday, January 1, 2017

New work: Above and Below 1 and 2

Above and Below
16" x 16" Painted paper collage on paper

Above and Below 2
16" x 16"
Painted paper collage on paper
Driving back from grocery shopping the other day, I took a route that winds through a valley between two different counties. The roads are up and down, twisting and turning until you finally hit a semi-straight spot. Because of the change in elevation, I was able to catch glimpses of the far horizon line. I noticed that there seemed to be a series of color "bands" or striations in the air. Our counties here allow burning of yard refuse and of wood. I think what I was seeing in part was that particulate matter in the atmosphere. Scientifically I don't know what was happening up there but the colors produced were subtle and beautiful. 

Much of what I see these days is winding up in these collages. And much of what I see has to do with the landscape, the sky, and the water. Rather than trying to say something with my art or to make art which is strictly process oriented, it is easier for me to think in terms of ideas and colors. Using the space of the paper along with proportion of design variables as my guide, I can put down colors that for me evoke a kind of mood or feeling. How the colors look together in the end and sometimes what the piece demands in the way of solutions are always a surprise to me. Not having any solid expectations is helpful though having a general guiding idea of the outcome is necessary. 

I suppose I have a series developing here although I am reluctant to say so. I don't like being locked into something. It is inhibiting to me, creatively. Doesn't that sound hoity toity! Anyway.

Hope everyone had a very nice new year's evening and day. Thank you for reading and commenting.



  1. I showed my daughter these and she said right off how much she loved the colors.I do too, Libby.
    I laughed at you saying - regarding a series - about you do not liked to be locked into anything. I LOVE a series as it gives me permission to explore a theme fully. I think you are in the middle of a series with these landscape inspired collages. Wonderful work!

    1. Julie,

      Thanks for showing the pieces to your daughter. Her input on the colors is good feedback for me.

      The series thing is just about commitment for me. Sort of like announcing that you are going to do something and then not being able to go through with it for some reason. I can see too where working in a series could allow you to take risks that you normally wouldn't take. There is really something for everyone in it isn't there?

      Hope the new year is off to a good start for you. Thanks for the visit and comments.

    2. I laughed at "commitment" yes...there is something for everyone!
      Vive la difference!!
      love you, Libby

  2. Dear Libby - I am with Julie and her daughter - love those colors. They are so peaceful and I do feel the horizon and the water. Think you may be onto something with this landscape series...Hope your New Year is the best ever. Will be looking forward to many more visits here. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I find these colors to be really soothing. I didn't think at first that I would like them but they are really growing on me. Horizon and water are just what I am after! Glad you see that in these pieces:)

      Thank you as always for your visit. Hugs right back to you!


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