
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Work: Stormy Days 1 and 2

Stormy Days 1
16" x 16"
painted paper collage
Stormy Days 2
16" x 16"
painted paper collage

Comanche South-Hike north and east
Lately I have been hiking a lot. The weather looks really similar to the last photo, gray and sometimes rainy. The grass now is really green and while the moss is unusual, it can be found. So,  lots of dark grays and browns and greens with every variation on those themes. It's rubbing off on me as the two above pieces show. The blues and purples in the two pieces have more to do with how bruised the sky looks at times and that cream color reminds me of some of the weak winter sun that filters through the sky.

I do love this weather though even though I don't totally enjoy being cold or rained on. It is the best time to be outside before the sun starts really shining in earnest, some time around April or May. Many of the places that I have been hiking will be nearly unbearable by then, for me anyway.  Heat is not my friend at this point.

The landscape has been very inspirational for me these days. It is a challenge to take what I see and translate that into something cohesive, color wise. There is difficulty in sorting out the details and of making choices. The size of the pieces and my own ideas on "busyness" sort of limit the number of colors to be used. I never know until I start working if what I have painted in the way of papers is going to work.  Most of the time it does but as is the case above, I had to improvise. Good thing I had other painted papers to use!

Hope everyone is set to have a wonderful Christmas holiday. Or just a blessed time with friends and family. Whatever works!
Thanks for reading and commenting,


  1. I really enjoy how your colors reflect your natural environment. It seems appropriate to me to have the colors in our paintings change with mood, circumstance or time of year, particularly when you live attuned to nature. There is something soothing in respecting what winter brings. I've never quite adapted to the ups and downs of winter here in SC. Sometimes you just need muted surroundings. These two paintings really feel comforting to me.

    1. Carol,

      I have been trying to draw on the environment for inspiration. It makes a lot of sense to me. When I started painting, I was heavily influenced by plein air painting and all of its attendant ideas. Observations of color and light were things that I focused on learning. Some of that stuck and I hope is coming through now.

      Your weather there is tough. I couldn't do it-not that humidity-so my hat is off to you for getting through it. I am trying more and more to embrace winter and early spring here. It's easy to love a warm day with a blue sky but harder to find that love when it is cold! So, I am trying:)

      Merry Christmas to you and Danny and your family. Hope all is well.

  2. I remember replying to this post very clearly because I was so impressed with the color harmony you came up with.
    I wonder what happened to it? With all the activity for the holidays I never came back to check.

    1. Julie,

      I don't know. There aren't any missed comments on my end either through Blogger or through GMail which is where I receive people's comments. Your comment went in to the ether I suppose.

      Anyway, I ended up really liking the colors which were somewhat accidental on my part. The addition of that purple was a surprise but with the grays and blues I think it tied things together. Funny what colors do when they are placed together. It is always a surprise for me.

      Hope that you had a good Christmas. Thank you for the visit.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it! I reply back in an email if you are signed in and I can see your address. Otherwise I will post the reply here under your comment. I tend to cut and paste my emails too so that others can experience the back and forth which I think is integral to blogging.