
Sunday, November 19, 2017

New Work: Back to Square One

Back to Basics
Something that is a common utterance in my studio often sounds like this: Enough is enough! Such is the case with the above piece. It is actually painted over another piece that I did recently that I kept looking at and wondering why. Why keep something around that you have made that isn't pleasing to you? So, out came the gesso and that certainly felt good. Covering over the other piece gave me permission to then do whatever I wanted which in this case was to go back to the hard line geometric style that I enjoy. Only this time, I painted directly onto the board rather than using painted paper. And while the colors don't thrill me in a big way, I know why they are there. There is a nice rhythm and balance to the piece too, in my opinion, which makes me very happy.

Is everyone set for Thanksgiving? It's quite a big hoopla of an ordeal isn't it? I love the time of year and all of the food that is available (fruits and vegetables) but I dislike the expectations placed on me by this holiday. I do own up to placing some of those expectations on myself but the rest of them I feel I have not much control over. 

I will be working a little in the studio this week. I started the above piece by making a mock up collage from scraps of painted paper. There is a now a new "scrap collage" that I put together and I think I like the idea enough to paint it. Why switch back to painting directly? There is no real answer other than it seems time to do so. I will see how I like painting on the canvas surface rather than the board. Boards really appeal to me because they offer such a hard surface but they are expensive. Canvasses are inexpensive but the surface is springier and the taping presents a real challenge. So, we will see.

OK, hope everyone has had a good week. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. It looks like this must be a meditative process, putting a collage together with pieces of paper. Is it? I have yet to understand abstract, art, Libby, but this piece seems cool and refreshing to me.
    As for Thanksgiving, after many long years of preparing for and hosting, we are now on the receiving end as our younger sister-in-law and her family invite us for the day. Sigh - it's nice! Hope yours goes well and that you get some help!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Libby!

    1. It is very meditative-the whole thing whether paper or paint. It's one of the things that I really like. And I think as long as you like something about a piece of art, you have understood it! I hope I am not a shallow thinker but I hate to have to struggle when viewing artwork.

      Not having to put on the Thanksgiving dinner is sort of nice isn't it? There is something to be said for someone else cooking and caring for you.

      Have a blessed holiday, Judy. Thank you as always for your visit.

  2. "rhythm and balance" is such a perfect description for this piece. I always like seeing and reading about what is moving you. Happy Thanksgiving, Libby.

    1. Thank you Carol! I don't always get the rhythm and balance that I want but I feel I got it for this piece. Kind of nice once in awhile:)

      Happy Thanksgiving to you, Carol. I hope that you and your family will be doing something nice together:)

  3. I love this one Libby. Over the years I’ve very much enjoyed watching your experimentation.

    1. Thank you so much Sea! How nice to have a visit from you.

      There has been quite a bit of experimentation over the years. everyone has been real kind in following along. It's gratifying!

      Thank you so much for the visit. I hope you will have a lovely holiday!

  4. Dear Libby so appreciate you sharing using Gesso (I do this often and restart a watercolor)...does make one feel good. I really love the colors you chose - they are peaceful and lovely. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Don't work too hard and be sure and enjoy the holiday. Hugs!

    1. Debbie-

      I was extremely satisfying to get rid of that other painting! And I really don't benefit from having the "bad ones" hanging around so I am happy to re-purpose them:)

      Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday.

  5. Another good one, Libby. I like it and i really like the dark blue rectangle and how you placed it. .

    1. Thanks Julie! That dark blue color was hard to come by too. It was a darker plum color which didn't seem to work when the other pieces had more of a yellow tone to them-for some reason. I switched to this different blue which then made me switch the orangey red colors to be a little more blue based. The whole thing is sort of like a puzzle with pieces that you move around!

      Hope that you had a nice holiday. It seems to have made me fall into a hole so I am late with my correspondence-again! Thank you for your visit and comments.


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