
Friday, April 28, 2017

New Work: Garden Party (contemplation columns and collage)

Contemplation Columns
Garden Party
14", 12", and 10" height; 1.5" wide

Garden Party
16" x 16" painted papers collage
Trying to figure out how to photograph these columns has been a challenge! Hopefully the above picture gives a good idea. 

As I was working the tall Peace Pillars shown in an earlier post, I worked also on the above companion pieces. It seemed like the colors I was working with had a lot to do with temperature. Some felt "cool" and some felt "warm" and depending on how I arranged them, some colors switched temperatures. (Or so it seemed to me.) Using the painted papers to cover the small columns was much more satisfying to me than painting the pillars directly. It seems that I have a real affinity for the  tactile nature of the paper, glue, and the wood together. 

The one thing that all of these pieces has in common is the methodical nature of the process. It's impossible to rush or to do two things at one time. The word methodical doesn't necessarily imply slowness but more of a measured and steady way of working. As an example, painting the pillars fell in to a kind of routine. One section at a time, one pillar at a time and then waiting for things  to dry. Using the paper is similar. One section at a time, smoothing down the glued papers, looking at the colors slowly being built side by side.Very purposeful. And there is definitely a sequential nature to the work. Step 1, then step 2, then step 3, etc. I suspect every creative type finds a way to work that reflects their personality.

OK, hope everyone has had a good week. I have been listening to podcasts from On Being, a radio show hosted by Krista Tippett. I started my week listening to the sage wisdom  of Congressman John Lewis. His advice to keep going, to have faith, to believe that things will get better, is very inspiring. I ended my week listening to the words of Rabbi Lawrence Kushner of Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco. His discussion of Kabbalah and the nature of God was uplifting as well. The Divine Presence is in all of us, is all around us and is everything that we know about, past, present and future; the here and now. Truly enlightening.

Thanks for reading and commenting,


  1. Dear Libby - your Garden Party Pillars are wonderful. To me the mix of colors could not be better.
    It is always great to find inspiration and hope in the Voice of God. His Divine Presence is everywhere. So glad you had three podcasts to lift you up. Encouragement is something everyone needs! Hugs

    1. Debbie,

      Thank you for the compliment on the colors. I ended up being very pleased with them and my friend, who received the columns, was happy too. definitely a win-win!

      Listening to the podcasts during my daily walks has been so helpful. Staying connected to different viewpoints and positive messages is so important to me. These podcasts really hit the spot!

      Hope you are doing well and enjoying your week. Take care and thank you again!


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