
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Work: Western Skies 2

Western Skies 2 view 1
16" x 16" painted paper collage landscape

Western Skies 2 view 2
16" x 16" painted paper collage landscape
It has been helpful for me to view these pieces a number of ways so to that end I am showing two different orientations. 

I admit that I am viewing these pieces as being emblematic of my ideas about "Western color." I tend to think of colors that may evoke images of the Colorado river, the Grand Canyon (and other areas like that) and parts of southern California (the desert areas-wait! isn't it all desert?).  I have been to Southern Utah too so I think of the things that I saw there as well. In my mind I see sunny colors and earth colors and the colors of clear, cool life giving water. I see dusty sage colored plants such as all sorts of cacti and other shrubs. Pretty soon Rich and I will be taking a vacation to Joshua Tree National Park. I expect the colors there to help me along with my imaginings of the desert. 

For those reading and wondering about the patterns in the paper, I once again used the gloss varnish medium as a resist for the paint. The varnish gets applied to the plain paper using whatever marks I want and then the paint is painted over that and somewhat wiped off to reveal the dried marks of the varnish which has resisted the paint. The white paper then shows through a bit. I like the idea of this a lot so probably will continue with it.

OK, it's Tuesday. Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. yippee kai yay! Fantastic! At first I loved the first orientation and then I said to myself that the second one was better and then I went back to the first, and then ... I'm in love with the textured patterns, especially the "clouds" one. Cheers!

    1. Carol,

      Another enthusiastic response! Thank you:)

      I like the textured patterns also. I have been thinking about them a lot but since I am really conservative in my approach, I haven't been so quick to use this idea. But, I am working on it:)

      Thank you as always for your visits. I hope all is going well for you.

  2. Yes Libby - these colors definitely make me think of the west with all its lovely earth tones. Just beautiful work friend. Your texture marks make the work even more interesting. Hope you had a great week and are now enjoying a good weekend. Hugs!

    1. Debbie,

      Earth tones really appeal to me. I am not sure why but I know they seem peaceful to me.

      The texture marks have been interesting to use. They certainly add another dimension to things. So, good news there.

      A little rain for us today and then some sunny weather next week. Must be close to Spring time:)

      Thank you for your visit. Hope the weekend is going well.


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