
Saturday, February 18, 2017

New Work: Looking Up 6 and A Hint!

Looking Up 6
16" x 16" painted papers collage

Looking Up 6
16" x 16" painted papers collage
I am showing two views because they are so different. They are both of the same piece but depending on how they are oriented, the viewer can get some different feelings.

This series is at an end meaning I have used most of the available paper that I originally painted. However! I have a new project that I am working on using the remaining bits of paper that I have left. If all goes well I will show that in a few days. Fingers crossed:)

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. The first one is definitely looking up more than the second! :D

  2. Interesting changing the viewpoints, Libby. You are correct about getting different feelings about them.
    Top one - the light blue, top left looks like the sky behind shapes but the same blue area on the bottom one looks like steps right in front. Fascinating.
    I am looking forward to seeing your new work.

    1. Julie,

      I did the same thing with the work on my walls in my studio. I changed the orientation of several of the pieces and it made a big difference to me. Kind of a good thing:)

      Hope all is well. I'll be working on a new color palette this week so we will see what happens:)

  3. Dear Libby what a difference one feels when they look at it one way and then the other. The bottom photo makes me think of water whereas the top one makes me feel like mountains to climb. So glad you showed two different views. Which one do you prefer?

    1. Debbie,

      It's the horizontal or vertical view! Horizontal reminds me of water and land and vertical reminds me of mountains. Funny that your mind makes these associations. I started out with the horizontal in mind but once I saw the vertical it reminded me of something like a desert pueblo/dwelling sort of thing. So, both ways appeal to me.

      As always, I really appreciate your observations. Always helpful to me:)

      Hope you are well. Thank you for your visit.


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