
Thursday, October 27, 2016

New work: Escape Artist; Art and Home Brewing

Escape Artist
image size 15" x 18" approx
collage on paper
It's good that I keep a journal/sketchbook. Rather than feeling like I haven't been doing anything this week, I can see that I have been painting papers and sketching ideas. It is important to me to spend time doing those things. Those activities feed the collages.

The above piece was completed last weekend.  The title for the piece is kind of a play on words I guess. All of those little circles, to me, look like they are running around trying to escape. I have also been looking at the mechanical art of Tom Harold. His kinetic sculptures remind me of mousetraps or something. A game perhaps? I can't really say what. Anyway, if anyone reading is interested, I recommend that link. Read his "about" page. If I wasn't already married I'd hop on a plane to go snag this guy. Talk about a kindred spirit!

While the idea for this piece got away from me a bit, I am happy with the results. All of these efforts are supposed to be leading me to make the art I want right? So, I figure each step is a refinement. (As well as an exercise in learning humility over and over again!) Incidentally, I have explained this to my husband many times with regard to his beer making efforts. He is a home brewer (it's his hobby) and has done it on and off for many years. In the last two years, he has started up again with up to date equipment and ideas. His first efforts (maybe a dozen or so) have all been part of the learning curve. Because he has done it before, he expected  to do well right off the bat. The learning curve has been frustrating for him. The whole thing, in my mind, is just like learning to paint. You don't know what you don't know right? You can study up as much as possible, read lots of books and blog posts. Until you actually do it though, multiple times over, you won't know how things really work. Or even what your final goal will be. Beer making and art are both creative processes. There is a lot of trial and error. Rich doesn't quite believe me though. I don't think I will ever get even close to where I would  like to be. Try convincing the Brew Meister of this lesson. Good luck!


  1. Dear Libby this is a wonderful collage. That one bit of red is magical. Naturally I am drawn to the circles. As for your hubby and his beer making...I am sure you will keep encouraging him to not give up. Hope you had a delightful weekend. Hugs!

  2. I agree with Debbie, the red is magical.
    I agree with you about it is the actual process not just the reading which allows us to produce what is in our hearts.
    I can understand what you see and respond to in Tom's work. Although he works at a high standard it doesn't move me and your work does. Weird, but taste is so subjective. he would hate my lost edges!
    Good to catch up, Libby. I enjoyed reading this post as usual. I tried to comment yesterday and it would not take. Glad I tried again.

    1. Thanks for the comments, Julie.

      Tom's work is amazing to me for its precision and exactness. All things mechanical appeal to me mostly because I just can't imagine doing them myself. But really it was his narrative of how he came to be an artist that really got me interested. Hearing someone else express similar doubts is reassuring.

      Art is subjective isn't it? It;;s what makes the world go 'round.

      Thanks again,


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