
Thursday, September 15, 2016

New Work: Well All Right

All Right Then
15" x 18" paper collage
For the past week or so I have been listening to the Big Band/Swing station on Comcast. Rich was nice enough to install a TV in my room some time ago and though I don't watch the TV per se, it's nice to be able to listen to music through it. The title of the above piece comes from a song sung by The Andrew Sisters. What is it about music from this time period I wonder? It makes me nostalgic somehow though I wasn't alive during that time. 

Funny how when you switch one thing other things can change too. I have been mixing more triad colors lately which I think caused me to go back into a more rigid color scheme idea. What I really want is to focus more on the proportion of one color to another and then use several color relationships (opposites).  I have recently started to consider hierarchical color relationships too which would mean I could juggle all sorts of stuff. So, just sort of thinking out loud. And while I don't love the above piece, I can live with it and will just start over with another idea.

OK, hope everyone is having a good week. Thanks for reading and commenting.

1 comment:

  1. Libby, I miss the variety of shapes in this composition, meaning I miss the rounded shapes and the little lines. It feels less dynamic than most of your work. I wondered at first if this was because it reflected on the older era of the music you were listening to, and I jumped to the conclusion that it was "a simpler time." Then I realized that in reality, there probably was never "a simpler time."


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