
Friday, June 24, 2016

New Work: Up in Arms

Up in Arms
image size approx 15 x 18

At this point, using the skills and knowledge that I have to date, I am fairly sure that I couldn't think up some of these compositions beforehand. They tend to sort of evolve. Given time though, perhaps I can get to the point where I can draw them out prior to getting started.

The above piece was an exercise for me in what I am coming to think of as "stream of consciousness" art making. I first learned about this term in high school as I struggled to read through a James Joyce novel. This style of writing perplexes me; I find it tedious as well. But the term itself, loosely translated by me into something I can use, describes how I put this piece together. During the week, I wrote down things that I observed (actual objects), ideas that came to me, and events that were happening around me. Basic geometric shapes helped me to get started and then I added other shapes based on the semi-related mishmash of things that I gathered during the week. Pretty soon I was telling myself a little story about what was happening on the paper. A title suggested itself and before I knew it, I was finished. It's good for me that most things can be translated in to a shape. It's OK if that translation is known only by me. What I hope is that the viewer, at the very least, finds the design and color pleasing. It's fine for me if people supply their own story.

As I mentioned above, I drew on what was happening this week in order to come up with a composition. Our area of the county is involved in the recall of one of our supervisors. Neighbors discuss things and so I have talked with some people about the recall initiative. We have had a lot of road construction going on and as a consequence, heavier traffic than normal. In addition to these things, we have also had two fires nearby (last week) and in the same spot. We also had a fire at the lake recently. I mention all of this to be sort of small-town-folksy but also because it's just what happened and came out in my art. It's nice for me to have personal subject matter. Things flow more smoothly if I am connected somehow to what I make.

OK, thanks for reading and commenting. I hope everyone has had a good week.


  1. Well - without reading your story I couldn't miss the big red X next to the traffic light. Knew something was going on. My fav part is the ovals receding in space. Adds an extra dimension of depth. Always fascinating and never boring - the world and mind of Ms.Libby Fife!

    1. Julie,

      The crazy, mixed up mind of Libby! Whatever is she thinking? LOL:)

      That red x was something I wasn't sure about. Once I had it down, even though it's strong, I ended up really liking it. The rest of the smaller bits of chromatic color and other shapes were meant to go along with and balance that x. It's all an experiment I guess at this point:)

      We'll see what's next. I hope you are doing well. I read an article about the Gila river yesterday and thought about you. Water in New Mexico (and CA)-always a challenge right? LOL:)
      Thanks again for the visit and comments.

  2. This is a fascinating piece to me in so many ways. I find the contrast between the pale blue and the quiet grays with the bright red, yellow, blue and orange to be very appealing. Then you got sneaky with the one little bit of green. I know you were depicting the traffic signal but I can't help but feel you made a conscious decision not to add green anywhere else. I also find the contrast in the sizes of your shapes to be very important. Especially those hyphen shaped yellow pieces marching around the edges. The yellow square "dot" that finishes your question mark seems so much more effective than a gray one. I'm really enjoying this process of looking at your work as you produce it!

    1. Carol,

      I am laughing about you suggesting that I was sneaky about the green! It's true that I put that one spot there and nowhere else on purpose. Managing color relationships is a continual challenge for me and just having that little circle was part of that idea.

      It's gratifying that you noticed all of the little details. I really do learn as I go and so many times I am testing out an idea regarding proportion or variation or some other design element. I always hope that the end result looks simple and interesting at the same time:)

      Thank you as always for your visit and observations. It's appreciated.

  3. Libby your red x made me think right away of something happening friend. Your colors of orange then made my eye travel all around. Glad to see the blues too - perfect compliment with the orange. Always happy to read what your thoughts are behind each piece. Sounds like there is quite a bit of traffic challenges going on. Hope it gets better soon. :)! Have a super day. Hugs.

    1. Debbie,

      Hard to miss the action with that red "x" right? LOL:) Blue and orange seems to be a combination that I am drawn to. There are so many variations of it too so maybe there will be some more of that pairing down the road.

      Lots of traffic and fires here now. Not related but both happening and tending to dominate one's thoughts!

      Hope all is well. Thank you as always for the visit and comments.


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