
Monday, May 9, 2016

New Work: Something's Got to Give + The Mouse Mobile

The title for the piece references some art things that I am currently struggling with. I haven't sorted them all out yet but when I do it's certain that I will write about the results. 

In the meantime, let me tell you about the mouse. Last Monday I drove my car with no issues. Tuesday I was at home and Wednesday when I got in the car there was a big stink. I drove to the Bay Area where my two aunts and cousin told me that the smell was that of a dead mouse somewhere in my car. I then drove home with the dead mouse. Couldn't find the damn thing and so on Thursday I made arrangements to have the car dash taken apart. Rich got home that night and looked behind the cabin filter. Sure enough, there was the mouse. Little bugger built himself a nest and then died in it. Rich was able to extract him with the shop vac. On Saturday I cleaned the carpets in the car, cleaned the seats and wiped the surfaces with rubbing alcohol. We then bought a scent bomb for the car, activated it and now the mouse smell is gone. The car does have a distinctly spicy "new car" scent which is rather powerful. Not bad like the dead rodent but strong in its own way. 

The whole thing left me discombobulated. Top it off with my art angst and honestly, that's about it for me!

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. I am looking at an abstraction of a person pushing or sitting in a shopping cart piled high! I like the colors a lot, too.
    Thats what happens when there is no mind fills it in.
    I am amazed that someone actually knew what a dead mouse smelled like. That is impressive to me.
    Hope your Art Angst does last long. We all know it is a natural happening but that doesnt make it easier does it?

    1. Julie,

      A shopping cart piled high with stuff is just fine with me! I didn't have any story in mind for this one-just trying to arrange elements.

      Apparently the dead mouse smell is very distinctive and the problem of the mouse behind the filter is quite common. It was revolting though all the way round!

      This particular angst session is nearly over. We will just see what happens next:)

      Hope you are doing well. Thank you as always for your visit and comments:)

  2. those red x's are so expressive to me! The rest of the shapes, some enclosed, indicate "mechanical", in my mind, although the two wide blue rectangles seem a little too dominant? Or too straight? This is just my gut reaction, not a criticism.

    1. Carol,

      Thanks so much for your observations. It's always important to know what others see. My thought on the two blue rectangles is that they hold everything else in place. I did mean for them to be straight and assertive. But, as I said, it's good to know what you see. The x's are new for me too. I have been thinking about tonal marks lately and so the x's are a experiment with that idea.

      Hope all is well with you. Are you working on anything in particular that is exciting?

      Thanks as always for the visit and comments!

  3. Your mouse dilemma was (perhaps) a metaphor for your art angst. You feel something isn't quite right, then you organize a plan of attack, you fix the problem and analyze the outcome.
    Plus the mouse died at home. ;-)

    Love this piece! I'm a huge fan of all your work. Always enjoy your post emails. Thank you!

    1. Pam,

      Is the latent nurse in you suggesting that I am running some kind of a mouse hospice here??? LOL!

      It's certain that both things happened at once-the angst and the mouse. It was a screwed up kind of a week to be sure!

      Thank you for your kind words about the work. It's making me happy (if I could just get out of my own way at times) and I feel like I am learning at the same time-all good stuff.

      Hope you and Jeff are doing well and that your own art is thriving. Take care and thank you again.

  4. Hi Libby,
    I think all the movement in this piece kind of sums up your week perhaps.(?) Things are not always even and level. That can be a joy or a frustration. I love the colors you chose for this painting. It fascinates me the way the color black boosts the "look at me" factor. You used it in the right amounts in the right places. Well done!

    1. Carol,

      You are right about that! Funny how our state of mind can come through with our work. Guess it's obvious that I have been a bit agitated!

      Using those darker colors sure makes me a bit nervous. Having such a contrast though in a limited way really appeals to me though. I hope to continue to improve upon this idea. We'll see what happens. I know the work references abstract and pop art to some extent so I'd like to see if I can build on that idea as well. Always ideas in process:)

      Hope you are doing well. Thank you as always for your comments and your visit!

  5. Oh my Libby I have fallen behind on your post. Your art piece is wonderful. Love the rectangle filled with black dots.
    As for the mouse been there quite often- unfortunately they just love a warm place to hang out. Glad he didn't chew anything important. They can certainly cause a great deal of damage. Well take care friend and hang in there. ..things will improve. Hugs!

  6. Oh my Libby I have fallen behind on your post. Your art piece is wonderful. Love the rectangle filled with black dots.
    As for the mouse been there quite often- unfortunately they just love a warm place to hang out. Glad he didn't chew anything important. They can certainly cause a great deal of damage. Well take care friend and hang in there. ..things will improve. Hugs!

    1. Debbie,

      I am always happy when you visit!

      Those dots are turning out to be very fun. They are made by a regular hole punch and deciding what colors go behind the open holes has been a great design tool.

      Evidently, a mouse in the car is quite a common problem. I have talked to several people about it and everyone has a story to tell! And you are right. I am glad the little sucker didn't cause any damage:)

      Thank you as always for your comments. Hope things are well.


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