
Sunday, February 21, 2016

New Work: Plunge

image size 12" x 16" matted to 16" x 20"
painted acrylic papers on wc paper

This week I worked on and completed the above piece. The colors are different for me though I consider the selection to be a refinement of some ideas that have guided me for the past year or so. The idea for the piece started out as a sketch about nothing in particular. It morphed itself into these people that appeared, to me at least, to be at the pool, swimming and diving. I named the piece Plunge because when I was a kid, we had a public pool called the Hayward Plunge. We also had a neighborhood pool called Farrelly Pool. The colors reminded me somehow of being a kid and going to the pool:)

Color is such a big component of design. And it's an issue for me. I have been relying on an idea of usage that I see now has been too vague. With the last two pieces though I feel like things are much clearer for me. I looked again at  Joen Wolfrum's color tool. It's designed for quilters but very applicable to artists of all sorts. Based on the Ive's color wheel, it's a 24 step set of color cards that are meant to help you see color relationships and to organize those relationships into meaningful harmonies via the concept of proportion. At least that is how I see the tool's purpose. All these years I think I haven't really understood how to use the cards. It wasn't until recently that I buckled down and applied the concepts. The piece with the Lime Heads was made using the ideas and I think the results were good. It isn't that I am following a formula but that I think I understand better now about the guiding principle of proportion and how to apply that to color. And boy, the colors are gorgeous! I think they are anyway and it's a total surprise to me how the piece turned out. So, those are both good things for me. Maybe I am a step closer to solving some problems.

On another note, I had a very nice email this week from Laurie Fendrich. (Laurie is a New York based artist whose work has really inspired me. If you look at her drawings on her site, your will see right away what I mean.) I reached out to Laurie to thank her for providing such inspiration. It probably sounds stupid that I would do that.  There is so much good content on the web these days though and people think nothing of the images and information that they provide for free. The impact from that sharing can be very meaningful and I think it is important to say thank you; to acknowledge that effort. Most of the time people don't write back. Sometimes they do though and that is gratifying.  Laurie was very gracious and I was happy to hear from her. 

I sure hope everyone had a good week. I am curious to know how anyone reading may use the comments that you get on your own blog. I'd like to know!

Thanks for reading and (hopefully) commenting:)


  1. Good one Libby, it does have a playful element! We had a 'plunge' too in my hometown. You don`t hear that word for a pool anymore. I think most people comment just to encourage the artist. Critiques maybe come in a message but I think most people are too polite. You`re thoughtful to thank those that inspire you!

    1. Randall,

      I am starting to see that there are a lot of words and ideas that you just don't hear anymore!:)

      I'd have to agree with you on the comments. Most people are very polite and somewhat cautious I suspect. The Internet provides such a curious way of communicating. It's hit or miss. I contact people though to say thanks. There is no harm in trying and no down side for me really. It's a Brave New World:)

      Thanks as always for your visit and observations. It's appreciated.

  2. Dear Libby - your figures are just wonderful as well as the title. The colors you used the orange with the blue really appeals to me. They are a favorite pair of compliments and you used them well friend to delight the eye. Your title made me smile too. Hope you are having a great day. Hugs!

    1. Debbie,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! These figures are continuing to be a surprise for me. They just keep showing up doing all sorts of things:) And I really like the colors too. Another surprise for me. You just never know what you are going to find out, creatively speaking, I guess.

      I hope that your Monday has gone well so far. Thank you again for the visit and hugs right back to you:)

  3. Libby, I could see right away the relationship between your work and that of Laurie Fendrich. Isn't it wonderful to "discover" an artist that motivates and inspires work where methods or materials or ideas relate in some way to yours? It's like finding a long lost relative or an ally in thought. You were sweet to write her. We all should do that to those who inspire us. To know that you have influenced someone in a positive way is a precious gift.

    1. Carol,

      You really hit the nail on the head! It's like finding a kindred spirit or as you wrote, "an ally in thought." It's crucial I think to see your ideas reflected back to you in the words and actions of other people. Not to justify what you do (or to bolster self esteem) but to know that someone else sees things similarly. Support really comes in all sorts of forms doesn't it?

      I try to thank people as often as possible but really I don't do it enough. It never hurts to keep trying:)

      And on that note, thank you for your kind words and support! It's appreciate:)

  4. I have truly been enjoying this series of yours. I really appreciate how you use color and form. Graphic and pleasing.

    It's wonderful that you reach out and let people know how they inspire you. That is meaningful. YOU inspire me.

    1. Pam,

      So glad to hear from you! A visit is always welcomed:)

      Happy too that you like the series. It does seem like a series now doesn't it? It's helping me to learn a little more about color and form; maybe even helping me to have more of a sense of "graphic design."

      And thank you. We should always strive to thank and inspire one another. Why not?

      Hope you and Jeff are doing well. I saw that you went for a ride and got all bundled up. I am not crazy about being cold myself and imagine that being on a motorcycle would be tough! Hope you enjoyed yourself.

      Take care. See you soon!

  5. Another good one, Libby. The title ticked me. I agree with all the comments and cant think of anything new to add. I visited the Fendrich website and saw the similarities just like Carol did and agree on the excitement of discovering a like minded artist. Your work can also inspire Laurie. A win win.

    1. Thanks Julie!

      Laurie mentioned that we both owed a lot to abstract art of the 30's and 40's (before Expressionism). I admit that Leger, Kandinsky, and a host of others have been on my mind very much these days:) Lots to learn about! It really helps to know some art history.

      It's always nice to find like minded people. It's why I envy you your job. It would be wonderful to spend each day in the company of others that just wanted to paint:)

      Thank you as always for your visit and observations. I really appreciate it.
      ***And your advice on the still life and the bottom of each form really helped me yesterday. I also got some new insights from that overhead view! Thank you!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it! I reply back in an email if you are signed in and I can see your address. Otherwise I will post the reply here under your comment. I tend to cut and paste my emails too so that others can experience the back and forth which I think is integral to blogging.