
Monday, September 7, 2015

New Work

Town and Country
12" x 16" acrylic and painted paper

12" x 16" acrylic and painted paper
The above two pieces are from one of the accordion/concertina books that I did. My theme was "fire" which seems odd, I know, but it was what was on my mind at the time. (Still is actually.) The top piece seems interesting to me. The roof line of the "building" is typical to our area. It just so happened that I had this shape in my pile of cast off clippings of paper from other projects. So, a good coincidence. I am learning that keeping an open mind when doing these "sketches" is important for me. Being flexible leads to happy accidents.

Both pieces presented me with difficult design challenges. I am also learning that it isn't always necessary (or important) to exactly duplicate the source sketches. That is a tough lesson though because I tend to believe that there is only one answer design-wise and in reality there are many, many "right" answers. Each answer is actually its own answer, if that makes sense. So, more flexibility.

OK, hope everyone is having a good Monday. I am working on some sketches and ideas and doing some work to prepare for the studio tour. I am changing my setup a bit and so that takes some thinking and shopping:)

Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. Dear Libby both of these pieces are super. I can see the fire theme as well. I can understand why it would be on your mind. I am so enjoying seeing more of these accordion pieces. It sounds like you are going to be quite busy with the studio tour. Hope it is so fun as well as successful. Have a great day.

  2. I love these, Libby. They are unique and lively. The chosen colors enhance the theme. What excites me is that these paintings are truly organic and personal...developed over time with your own ideas and techniques and experimentations. Purely YOU. What pleasure that must give you!!

    1. Carol,

      Thanks so much for the kind words, Carol. You are right too. It makes me very happy to see my ideas gathered up and then turned into something that is sort of uniquely me. I say sort of because everything comes from somewhere of course but it's that synthesis of gathered images and input and experience that I think shows. And I think that goes for anyone who makes anything really. That translation ends up being what is unique.

      Hope you are doing well these days. Maybe the heat will be ending soon:) Thanks again for the visit.



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