
Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 2015 Wrap Up Post

Altamont Pass 10" x 13" acrylic on paper

Lake Alpine 10" x 13" acrylic on paper

Lake Hogan 9" x 12" acrylic on paper
New Work:
Hard to believe that January is over and February is here! It has been a productive month for me art wise and so I have selected a sampling of paintings to share. 

In January I participated in an online challenge. The goal was to make a piece of art everyday for 30 days.While that is a tall order for anyone, making art consistently and trying new things were the goals of the challenge. For the past six months or so I have been studying art history. Specifically, I have been trying to learn about other types of art that somehow relate to the kind of paintings that I make. Pulling  together the different threads in my past artwork and tying them together with some new things that I have learned, I came up with the above three paintings. They are a representative sampling of the 18 pieces that I made for the challenge. The entire collection can be seen here on my website: I am pleased with the results and will be pursuing these ideas in the coming months. It's the simplification of the landscape and the manipulation of shapes, lines and colors that I really enjoy. The paintings give me a feeling of peacefulness that I really appreciate.
Upcoming Show:
The above 3 pieces have been accepted into Ironstone Vineyard's Spring Obsession event. This is a great local event in Murphys and it's always a real privilege for me to be able to show my work at the winery. The main weekend is Saturday and Sunday March 7th and 8th. The show itself runs through the first part of May. Ironstone is a beautiful location and so if you can, plan a little trip to the wine country to see some art and drink some wine of course! 

Other News:
My web site has been revamped and updated. The paintings are now arranged chronologically. I hope that the group of work shown is representative of what I have done in the past several years. If you can, please take a moment to look things over (follow the link provided) and let me know what you think. Definitely let me know if there are any errors! I have also updated my blog. I hope that the new look is simpler and easy to read.

I have had some comments from friends and family asking about the palette knife work. Where is it and have I stopped doing it? The ideas are still percolating and no, I haven't stopped. Painting is like anything else that you enjoy. Things wax and wane. There are always new ideas and other things to be explored. It's what keep it all going.

And don't forget! February 6th is national Wear Red For Women Day. Many of you reading may know that I am a heart attack survivor and the proud recipient of two new bypasses for my heart. Take some time to go for a walk or just wear a little red on this day. I have included the link above in the hope that anyone reading will take a couple of minutes to learn about the warning symptoms of heart attack in women and how you can work to help your own heart be as healthy as possible. Good luck!

As always, thank you for supporting my art making by reading these posts. Please feel free to send me an email or to leave me a comment on the blog. Email me here: 



  1. Wow Libby...your style is so versatile! This new style reminds me of how you used to paint your faceless figures...only these are landscapes and more boldly colored. You go girl. Congratulations on getting into the show for Spring and also on completing the challenge! Your website looks really fantastic and is organized so well. I loved your paintings in 2014...the Autumn one and something "Flow" are my favorites. The colors and delicate brush work just draw me in.

    Thank you for the reminder about Feb 6. I will wear red and take a walk and think of you and give thanks that you are alive and well thanks to modern miraculous medicine (and surgical intervention!). I will also remember my sweet mom who also endured the pains of heart disease. Hugs Libby!

  2. I'm really liking the shapes and colors in the last month's work -- especially "Lake Alpine", which would make a lovely quilt, I think...
    But then those lupines are also a favorite!

  3. You new blog page and website reflect the clean lines of these new paintings you are doing. I love them! Such a contrast with the palette knife paintings but just as dynamic in their simplicity. You work is just getting better and better Libby. It has been wonderful going on this journey with you. You can be assure I will be wearing red on the 6th.

  4. Oh Libby - just love seeing your work and how it continues to evolve. So glad that you survived your heart attack. Thank you for sharing these links will check them out. In the meantime will be looking forward to seeing your new works. Have a super week.

  5. seeing the different styles I can see the lines that have become simpler, or maybe bolder is a better word. Though they differ in method the artist behind them remains seen. You staying true to you! Like them all and especially the grouping of landscapes that almost all contain the sun/moon tying them together further. well done Libby. I look forward to seeing more and more! Congrats on the show as well!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it! I reply back in an email if you are signed in and I can see your address. Otherwise I will post the reply here under your comment. I tend to cut and paste my emails too so that others can experience the back and forth which I think is integral to blogging.