
Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 23: 30/30 Challenge

Day 23: 30/30 Challenge
This one was finished up this morning. My goal was to see how I might add to the red rectangle/houseboat idea. I also wanted to change up the color scheme a bit. Working with the greens, yellowish-greens and the greenish blue played against the reds and red violets proved to be challenging. The blue borders on being more of a green blue than a true blue and so the red rectangle at the bottom has more of a yellowish base-but not by much. The smaller red houseboat is a bluer red which I liked better against those greens. I like the results but feel like I want to focus more on one main and one subordinate relationship. Clarity somehow along with simplification seems important to me. The thing about making work more frequently, what I am coming to really appreciate, is that each work that I complete allows me to ask some questions that pertain to what I want to do next. The springboard thing is mighty powerful!

OK, next week looks a little silly, schedule wise. My personal  life is getting in the way of this challenge! LOL:)

Thanks for reading and commenting,


  1. love the bold graphic shapes---very decisive!

  2. I was so surprised to see this painting, but I do see your thinking behind the colors. You are far more dedicated with your art than I could ever be! How rude of personal life to get in the way of your challenge!! lol


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