
Monday, January 12, 2015

Challenge 30/30: Day 12

Challenge 30/30: Day 12
Technically this is the challenge/completed piece for day 12. I wasn't feeling so hot this morning so I wasn't sure if I was going to finish this or not. My goal for this one was to use two pairs of complementary colors and somehow make those mesh. To my eye, a warm yellow and cool violet blue look nice together. I tried to go from the coolish blue violet to a warmer yellow green (temp shift) and then to the opposite of the yellowish green which to me is a more reddish violet (without being a screaming reddish violet). I took that warm and muted yellow again into the sky and topped it off with another temp shift to the cooler sun/moon. With regard to how this relates to my environment, I borrowed the views of the hills at lake hogan and coupled those with the various forms of trees/bushes that I see. In the morning time, the foliage looks nearly blue these days with all of the fog and particulate matter in the air. It's all just an amalgamation of what I see everyday. 

OK, hope everyone is having a good week so far. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  1. You are off on a very sophisticated path, Libby. You have touched on one before. It appears you have an intellectual side which is needing to be fed along with your impressionist side.I am enjoying this series very much

  2. Love that intense blue violet with the blues! Gorgeous harmony!!


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